When it comes to repair, #DontDespair

According to data collected from APPLiA’s membership, 91% of the requests to manufacturers for a repair of a product resulted in an actual repair in 2018. Breaking down the cost for repair activities, for large appliances for instance, the biggest chunk is the labour cost, representing 44%; 39% of the average price for a repair is the cost of the spare parts; 16% goes to transport and 1% are listed as other costs.

As an observation, nearly 50% of the cost is linked to the work behind the repair and it is not surprising because around 29.000 business partners are directly or indirectly linked to repair activities and services. Manufacturers already provide repair parts, documentation and software to repair services that are authorised to undertake repairs in a safe manner and securing the quality of repair and future safe operation of the appliances at the customer’s continued use of appliances and, in general, there is no shortage of spare parts.

Source: Sofies calculations based on APPLiA Members data

When it comes to repair, #DontDespair

According to data collected from APPLiA’s membership, 91% of the requests to manufacturers for a repair of a product resulted in an actual repair in 2018. Breaking down the cost for repair activities, for large appliances for instance, the biggest chunk is the labour cost, representing 44%; 39% of the average price for a repair is the cost of the spare parts; 16% goes to transport and 1% are listed as other costs.

As an observation, nearly 50% of the cost is linked to the work behind the repair and it is not surprising because around 29.000 business partners are directly or indirectly linked to repair activities and services. Manufacturers already provide repair parts, documentation and software to repair services that are authorised to undertake repairs in a safe manner and securing the quality of repair and future safe operation of the appliances at the customer’s continued use of appliances and, in general, there is no shortage of spare parts.

Source: Sofies calculations based on APPLiA Members data

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